
Earlier this year I promised a big update, here it is!


  • Added Turkish translation
  • Crosshair can now be turned off
  • Improved AI death animations
  • Added vertex colouring to all levels
  • Fixed glitch where the left hand was showing at all times
  • Fixed glitch where locked missions appeared when you select an unlocked one
  • Fixed various texture issues
  • Fixed all of the glitches that occur when you turn the pause animation off.
  • Fixed Z-fighting on level 6
  • Fixed collision issues on level 10
  • Added city skyboxes to urban levels
  • McIain now hides before you climb the ladder
  • Helicopter boss now emits projectile particles when shooting
  • Added Unlimited FPS option
  • Fixed various easter eggs
  • Updated dialogue on last level to comply with updated lo

Earlier this year, a wis promissin a muckle update, here it’s!


  • Pit in Turkis owersettin
  • Crosshair kin nou be turnt aff
  • Impruived AI deeth animations
  • Pit in Vertex Colourin in aw the levels
  • Sortit oot glitch whaur the left haun is shawin at aw times
  • Sortit oot menu glitch whaur locked missions shaw whan selectin anither
  • Sortit oot various textur issues
  • Sortit oot glitches whan the pause animation is aff
  • Sortit oot Z-fichtin issues
  • Sortit oot collision issues
  • Pit in skyboxes in ceety levels shawin mair o a ceety in the distance
  • McIain is nou hidin until ye climb the ladder
  • Helicopter shuitin nou haes projectil pairticles
  • Pit in Unlimitit FPS option
  • Sortit oot various easter eggs
  • Updatit dialogue on last level to comply with updatit lo

Bha mi a’ gealladh ùraichadh mòr ùr ann am Faolleach, sin e!


  • Chaidh eadar-theangachadh Turcais cuireadh
  • An urrainn dhuibh an crois-ribe chur dheth
  • Chaidh na beòthachaidhean TI nuair a tha iad a’ bhàs am feabhas
  • Chaidh dathadh bhertex cuireadh
  • Chaidh am buga socrachadh nuair a tha an làmh chlì a’ sealltainn nuair nach eil oirbh ach aon guna
  • Chaidh am buga socrachadh nuair a tha na miseanan glaiste a’ sealtainn nuair a theid misean eile tagadh
  • Chaidh eadar-fhigheachd socrachadh
  • Chaidh na bugaichean socrachadh nuair a theid an beò-dhealbhadh sòradh cuireadh deth
  • Chaidh sabaid-Z air mapa a 6 socrachadh
  • Chaidh bugaichean le na co-bhualadh air am mapa a 10 socrachadh
  • Chaidh bogsaichean-iarmailte le baile-mór chuireadh air na mapaichean bailteile
  • Tha MacIain a’ falach nuair nach eil thu a’ dìreadh an dreimire air am mapa 11 a-nìs
  • Tha an heileacoptair a’ sradadh partegailean
  • Chaidh roghainn FPS neo-chrìochnaichte cuireadh
  • Chaidh bugaichean le na ughean na Càisge
  • Chaidh an co-chòmhradh ath-ùrachadh ann am mapa mu dheireadh


Operation: Pinkeye - Windows 64-bit 70 MB
May 29, 2024
Operation: Pinkeye - Linux 64-bit 72 MB
May 29, 2024
Operation: Pinkeye - Windows 32-bit 70 MB
May 29, 2024
Operation: Pinkeye - Linux 32-bit 71 MB
May 29, 2024
Operation: Pinkeye - Mac 88 MB
May 29, 2024
Operation: Pinkeye - Android 115 MB
May 29, 2024
Operation: Pinkeye Demo - Windows 64-bit 39 MB
May 29, 2024
Operation: Pinkeye Demo - Windows 32-bit 39 MB
May 29, 2024
Operation: Pinkeye Demo - Linux 64-bit 40 MB
May 29, 2024
Operation: Pinkeye Demo - Linux 32-bit 40 MB
May 29, 2024
Operation: Pinkeye Demo - Mac 54 MB
May 29, 2024
Operation: Pinkeye Demo - Android 74 MB
May 29, 2024

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