The Operation: Followthrough demo is now available for Windows and Linux!

The Operation: Followthrough demo is nou available fur Windows an Linux. Ye needin Windows 95 or newer an an OpenGL 1.2 compatible graphics caird tae play it.

Tha demò an t-Opairèisean: Followthrough ri-làimh a-nis airson Windows is Linux! Feumaidh thu Windows 95 no àrd-urra agus cairt-ghrafaigeachd a tha ag obair ri OpenGL 1.2 airson an demò chluich.

The Operation: Followthrough demo is now available for Windows and Linux! You need Windows 95 or newer and an OpenGL 1.2 compatible GPU in order to run it.


Operation: Followthrough Demo - Windows 95+ & Linux 5 MB
64 days ago

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